Lohmann & Birkner
The task for all parties in the health care sector is to deliver an effective and modern medical care. We offer health care insurance companies and sickness funds solutions for a successful completion of their task and responsibilities. We are your expert for all queries on medical claims management, case management, science and research projects for medical associations, consulting and budget as well as strategy development.
Lohmann & Birkner is your competent partner in the health care realm. Our professional team comprises of health care business economists, physicians, study nurses, social insurance professionals, IT specialists and internationally experienced academic and clinical professionals from various health related fields.
Inside L&B
Lohmann & Birkner as employer – more then a company. Find out about what we set into motion and what moves us.
Our services comprise of consulting, software development and concept design, DRG auditing, case management, intensive case management, registries and billing management.
Software Solutions
Years of experience and teaming up with our partners and clients we can offer a wide array of custom software solutions for the medical sector.

Our History
- 2001 Lohmann & Birkner Health Care Consulting GmbH was founded in Berlin, Germany and began carrying out health care and case management audits that involves reviewing, investigating coding as well as consultation services.
- 2003 Lohmann & Birkner Mobile Services GmbH offer products for mobile data collection via the customary mobile phones and online data transmission, which are used throughout Europe.
- 2005 Lohmann & Birkner med. ServiceCenter GmbH (Medical Service Centre) conduct health care management and consultation directly with hospitals, health care providers and rehabilitation centres for health insurance companies and reimbursement services.
- 2009 Founding of L & B Health Care Services LLC, Needham, Massachusetts.
- 2010 Expansion of the company due to the foundation Lohmann & Birkner Software Solutions GmbH with the development of Checkpad MED, the modern medical record for the iPad.
- 2010 was additionally characterized by the formation of the Lohmann & Birkner Health Care Services GmbH with service offer in the field of case management psychiatry and mental health.
- 2012 Founding of the Lohmann & Birkner ServiceCenter Seelische Gesundheit GmbH, which advices hospitals and health insurances on adopting the new payment system for psychiatric and psychosomatic facilities.
- 2013 Lohmann & Birkner Marketing und Vertrieb GmbH was founded as the creative department for all companies under the head of Lohmann & Birkner.